Meteor Scatter Project (2012-08-25)


This is the beginning (maybe the end ! ) of a project to create a high performance automated Meteor Scatter amateur communications mode. The first step is to learn as much as possible about the characteristics of the MS signal path and all its nuances. A simulator seemed to be a reasonable first step, since it would help define the parameters that have to be dealt with, as well as provide a needed test bed for various future implementations.

 The very nature of Meteor Scatter makes an accurate model difficult since just about all the characteristics of the event are random and unpredictable. However, I think the first order approximations made are sufficient to get started and a more detailed model can be tweaked as the project matures.

Only underdense trails are modeled since they seem to be the predominant and more useful events to base a communications system on.

Read the online help technical section for more details on the model used and other program details.

This Program is made available free of charge for amateur radio use only.


Executable, readme.txt, and Help files(331K):

Project Source Code released under GPL(

Revision History( from latest back to first release):

Ver. 1.1 Release 2012-08-25

  Functional Changes:

Extended duration range to 10 seconds

Ver. 1.0 Release 12-02-01

  Functional Changes:

Uses Poisson Process to model the event timing of the meteor simulation.

Added an internal FSK441 generator as an input selection.

Ver. 0.2 Beta release 12-30-00

  Functional Changes:

Removed CW filtering, phase sync, and integer rate truncation so as to better match the current HSCW programs.

Changed the HSCW rate limits and the minimum Event length.

 Ver. 0.1 Initial Beta release 12-28-00


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