A Windows based Spectral Analysis/Receiver Program primarily used with the SDR-IQ, SDR-14 , SDR-IP, NetSDR, RF capturing hardware(http://www.rfspace.com) but can also be used to analyze soundcard and wave file inputs.
Program Features
ICOM R8500 , AOR R5000 and other radios as Panadapter using standard PC serial Port
SpectraVue and Other Files Download Area
WaveVue is a utility to allow viewing and saving off segments of a wave file. There is no help file but it is pretty self explainatory. WaveVue Download Page
Demo Example Images/Files
Here is a capture of the AO40 passband showing an unusual interfering signal tuning across the middle beacon. The discretesteps would indicate a synthesized source. Also the signal gets modulated by the beacon when it is close to it. This was captured by AA4RC's station. This 3:40 minute file(~40MBytes!) can be downloaded from http://www.rfspace.com/noise.zip and played back using the SpectraVue demo version.
Some Demo wav files captured at WA4NJP's EME station on 432MHz. Echo Test file at 50KHz span (~5Meg file) emeechotest.zip An audio wave file of the demodulated EME echo test.(800K) emeechotestaudio.zip
Waterfall screen shot of an EME CW exchange at WA4NJP's station.
Audio wave file of the above exchange(556K) emexchange.zip
40meter CW band during 2003 US Field Day.
The following is an experimental version that couples SpectraVue's soundcard output into the DRM(Digital Radio Mondiale http://www.drm.org ) Receiver software "Dream". The DRM signal is a 10KHz wide digitally modulated that has a very rectangular shape as seen in the spectral view. Compare it to the normal AM shortwave signal to the right of it in the spectrum. Here is a recording of the audio as received from a DRM station in Canada. drmaudio.zip (~900K wave file) Note this is not a good example of the audio quality since it is recorded at only 8KHz.