This Windows based program will be used to implement a full transceiver interface that can be used with many different pieces of hardware. It is being written as a test case to implement a new amateur station interface protocol being developed that will allow a more uniform connection methodology for the development of new hardware and software radios. See
ASCP Page for more details.
In order to develop a protocol that will work in the real world, the DSP-10 2 meter transceiver kit designed by Bob Larkin, W7PUA, will be used as a test case. This kit currently uses an Analog Devices EZ-Kit DSP processor board as the controller and DSP processor. This program will be developed using an alternate interface. This interface will allocate the control functions to a simple PIC processor board, and the DSP processing to a PC Soundcard system. The ASCP protocol can then be implemented and tested within the software modules of the PC.
The beginnings of an "artists conception" of the program. Most of the effort has been on the low level design leaving the GUI interface as a last task.
Project Status
This project has been very slow due to demands from my "real" job as well as being spread pretty thin between several more interesting ham projects.
Currently, a PIC interface with firmware has been developed that controls the DSP-10 frequency, attenuators, etc. It communicates via a serial port using the ASCP protocol to the PC.
Remaining issues: