Vintage TAPR/AMSAT DSP-93 Projects
1200 bps Bell 202 RF modem with open squelch carrier detect, clock
recovery, HDLC decoding/encoding, and a KISS format serial interface. ZIP file
contains all source as well as Acrobat format user and technical guides.
KS12V10.ZIP (135K)
For the paranoid, a simple one chip watchdog timer circuit which will
reset the DSP-93 if either radio port PTT stays active too long regardless of
the jumper polarity settings. watchdoc.pdf (6K) (documentation),
watchpcb.pdf (20K)(PCB Layout),
watchsch.pdf (28K) ( schematic).
The SSTV1 Modem software is an AFM modem that runs on the TAPR/AMSAT
DSP-93 hardware platform that can be used to receive and transmit Slow Scan
Television(SSTV) signals. ZIP file contains all source as well as Acrobat
format user and technical guides. SSTV11.ZIP (156K)
The TIC(Totally Insane Clock) software is a software Cuckoo Clock that
runs on the TAPR/AMSAT DSP-93 hardware platform that uses WWV shortwave
signals to decode and set the time of day. ZIP file contains all source as
well as Acrobat format user and technical guides. TIC10.ZIP
Windoze Sound Card Projects

The WSCGen program (115K) is a simple
signal generator using the PC soundcard to output continuous tone, CW, SSTV,
AO-40 telemetry, and PSK31 test signals with variable AWGN. It can
3rd and 5th order IMD to the PSK31 signals. The program
will also output to a RIFF .wav file. Documentation is scarce but the
interface is simple. Full VC++6.0 project source code is also available to
play with.
RTTY and MFSK16 code added by Oleg Skydan,UR3IQO
Thanks Oleg!
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